
 Hmmmm, we rarely talk about the negative effects influence has on people with no back bone and aren't inquisitive. I think some decisions people make are based on pure influence whereas it should be based on an individual belief and ideologies. I think sometimes we think too much of everything that's outside so much so that we forget to consult with ourselves on matter concerning us.

We deem ourselves lost and look outside ourselves for answer. We revere people with an ounce of influence as put together and we follow like sheep. We copy and paste just about anything that sounds good and everything that they try convince us we are simply because of the influence exuded by those you praise

Why do you think they try so hard to persuade you??Don't you think society is testing how far it can bend your back bone?? How far it can mold you into something you're not? How far it'll go to listen to everything else but yourself??Dont picture it for long that it starts to sound and look like the God ate lining up in your favour and mistake it for your turn. 

Ohh poor child you with a boneless back, so easily bend. Who's backbone is it anyways when it's only upright because the cord holding it together is made up of different yet foreign chord.

To whom are the powers accorded to??? Why is everyone else playing a tune but you.

Perhaps after listening, question the intention before taking action.


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