Trusting and Listening to Thyself.
There's been this one recurring thought in my mind and it says that I should listen to myself more. There are so many voices I don't even know which one is my inner self's voice.
This journey of trusting someone/something you don't know or can't see rather thatim embarking is will be full of surprises I cannot wait to experience. It feels as though I have my hands tied behind my back. I'm being thrown into a pool and the one rule is don't drown. The only way to not drown is to not try to swim but let go till your feet reach the ground and only then push do you have to push yourself up to the surface. The level of surrendering that needs to be done is scarry because it's new. And honestly I've been swimming all my life, letting go and trying not to swim will be a challenge.
We've been exposed to alot of things that can be seen and touched. That has turned us ignorant to things that aren't seen but can be heard.It's only undermining because as humans (emphasis on humans) we think we're the beginning and the ends, we think too highly of ourselves. We're blinded by the power of the unknown that we only tap into it when it suits us. Unveiling the veil of darkness and exposing myself to the light of the untapped universe and listening is nerve-wracking. Not solely because it's new but because you'll always experience the results after listening and implementing the advice.
Nonetheless I know that I'm less inclined to listen to myself because by default myth that flesh knows better than spirit.
In some instances where the message is sudden and instant that's especially when that myth hold great power. It would be a smooth transition is there's trust which isn't an easy thing to build especially when you also have to program you brain to think differently. Especially when Unlearning and Relearning needs to be applied.
Stepping into a new territory is always difficult and uncomfortable but it'll get some getting used to. Dear inner-self: I hear you, I'll listen more and trust you.
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