To Choose or Not To Choose Being Christian??
Today I'll be talking about a topic that might have some people feeling some typa way but I honestly I am just trying to make sense of the reality I find a few generations living in.To whomever reading this, I just hope you'll understand where I am comming from which isn't a place of believing that I'm omniscent or that I'm holier than though but rather see me as someone just expressing their concerns.Honestly, I can understand the idea of black people being okay with living in this fiction movie directed by white people that has made us believe and be okay with how our civilization only starts in slavery. I can because one,Ignorance is bliss" and trust me it is. Secondly, when has a black child ever been raised to question a teacher or an elder? which is exactly what white people have made themselves, to us black people and we've alowed them to for the longest time and we still are which is why they'll keep reitterating to us that our history began when our ancestors were slaves. As to why well, that's a topic for another day. We've seem to have accepted the contents in the teacher's history book without even questioning whether the content is true or not {who wouldnt trust a white person anyway,they're the most trustworthy people ever.}
A choice according to google ofcourse, is an act of choosing between 2 or more possibilities. Looking this definition up has made me realize how there is a large population of black people who are under the impression that they choose to be christians which I dont believe {I think the choice was made for them}Part of choosing something is ensuring that you're informed about the choice you're about to make, and that you're informed about that choice. If not it results in making a misinformed choice which is what I think is the case for Black people when coming to Christianity. An informed choice is when a person is given options to choose from several tests, knowing the full details,benefits, risks of each choice.There isn't any other race that was robbed and still robbing themselves of making an informed decion like black people. Christianity is the first religion that is a way of life, it involves teachings of principles,practices that all ensures that certain virtues and values are instilled in an individual.Honetly if one obey some/all the contracticting rules that comes with christianity by "living Christ like" well, then one lives a "good life". It just works and I think that is one of the reasons why most people are firm believers of the religion and find it hard or wont let themselves entertain the idea that the entire religion might be a cover up to the colonizers evil plan.
I'm not denying that christianity entails a good/better life but black people are not informed enough about that choice and I'll try to explain why. Besides christianity being a copy and paste, with a few changes here and there of black civilization of the Khemet people whom by the way are black people, who were flourishing and living in abundance just fine about 5 million-2.5 BC without Jesus. Black people are either not informed enough about who they are or they dont know who they are. I believe that black people are spiritual beings and with that comes traditions to be obeyed and applied. There has been a decline in the number of people who are living by those traditions and I think it's caused by the fact that in the new testament our ancestors and every ritual/practice that comes with them have been intentionally removed completely. Black people built the very pyramids that reside in Egypt and nothing has come close to that which means that there is a supernatural power that we're not taping into and some probably won't tap into it cause the white man has worked hard to ensure that that doesn't happens. All this information may sounds foreign to you but it is information not disclosed to when you signed the christian contract. Our ancestor's choice and our's still is misinformed because I dont think most of the people would have aggreed to be christians if they knew who they are and what they are capable of. I am not judging all I'm saying is that if after reading this and you're not question how your people lived before christ and don't want tap into a supernatural power that is in abundance then I'm both defeated a sad. Bt one thing I will say to you is that one thing about Idlozi {ancestors} is that they can punish you generationally just like God punishes people generationally in the christian bible.Curses are rarely ever individual, they hit a whole bloodline.You will have to rectify your mistakes and by then i hope it wont be too late.
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