
 I recently came across a post by a female expressing how overated being a feminist is and how the biggest achievement for female feminists is to slaughter goats/cows in family functions, basically expressing her feelings on how ridiculous and a joke the concept of feminism is. And I say female feminists because males can also be feminists, not restricted to a specific gender. There has been on numerous occasions both men and women bashing feminists for being just that, which has created this negative connotation/stigma around female feminists and feminism as a whole. Most of the time I think because 1.people are not informed on what feminism is or 2.that people are seeking answers through the collective which in my opinion is wrong.

First and foremost feminism means something different to different females. Now what I think made her view feminists in that light is that she probably heard a conversation or saw a post of a group of female feminists expressing their views and what being a feminist entails and means to them and thought to herself that all feminists think the same {which is firstly a false assumption to make and an uneducated conclusion to reach to.} I am aware that there are some feminists who want to push men out of job spaces entirely whom in this case we'll call them 'elite feminists'. I'm also aware those kind of feminists are spreading the wrong message of feminism to the world because feminism to them is a tool they use to get revenge for what happened generations ago. This kind of message being spread has made people think that feminism entails females wanting to be being given an oportunity to slaughter cow/goats in family ceremonies or that it's all about hating men and wanting to erase their existence from the universe. It is this kind of thinking that has made people not want to be feminists and attach a negative connotation to the action.

In the case of the female sharing her post on feminism, individualism was ignored which is the danger of seeking answers through the collective. A wise woman once said that "As a woman there are some things I"m figuring out in my own identity and there are so many different levels of self-awareness in any individual. It's the human intellect that we need to seek in order to really understand and connect with somebody" words that were taken right out of my mouth and this does not only apply to feminists but to women and men in general. So the best way to seek answers on what a feminist is, is not to seek the answers the collective because there isn't a feminist consensus, because we've been unable to arrive at a consensus of opinion about what feminism is or accept defenition{s} that could serve as points of unification for all feminists. 

I am a feminist and In Feminist theory; from margin to center, hooks proposes a new definition of feminism, one that does not simply fight for the equality of women and men but also of a movement that fights to end sexist oppression and explotation without neglecting other forms of oppression such as racism, classism, imperialism and I agree and identify with the above definition. 


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