He Isn't Gay Just Because Yall Think He Is!

 I just want to address an issue I have with black people determining whether a child is gay or not, by what kind of toys they play with or the gender of kids with whom they play with. I have a 7 year old nephew whom for the majority of his childhood he spent playing with dolls and has been on numerous play dates where he was the only boy around a group of girls. This has convinced most of my family members and members in his community that he is gay. This is a simple case of adults sexualizing a child's childhood based on the child's friends and preferences in toys. We're all familiar with the expectations bestowed upon each gender and the gender characteristics that have not only been taught but also have been implemented generations after generations. These expectations cause more harm than good cause they "help differentiate" girls from boys, by providing restricting gender roles. The numerous different stereotypes goes on and on for instance how men who are not aggressive and/or assertive are unmanly and likely gay, but also that boys should be directed to like blue and green; girls toward red and pink. 

Now I don't think it's fair for adults who are societal conformists to predetermine my nephew's sexuality based on societal rules determined by a group of ignorant people. This is a results of the lack of sexual education in black communities. 

Here are some facts: Progesterone is known as a female hormone which males need to produce testosterone which is a male hormone. The adrenal gland and testes in male produce progesterone. Therefore naturally males in general have both the male and female hormones and sometimes a young boy has a higher level of progesterone rather than testosterone (which is normal). This makes him more feminine but it doesn't make him gay. A young boy who has more testosterone is more masculine than feminine because of the high level of testosterone produced. A gay guy is a man who prefers to physically be with another man, that's what makes him gay and those are the men we should only be called gay. Black communities need to start understanding that a young boy is only gay when he has the knowledge, understanding of what being gay means and choose to be gay for himself. 

I'm not saying he shouldn't be gay, nor that I wish he wouldn't turn out gay. All I'm saying is adults in black communities should not be ignorant on issues like the human body and sexuality in general. If they continue to be ignorant they'll be raising young boys who will be conflicted, have existential crises and depressed. 


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